1. Smoke And Mirrors

Overall, WrestleMania XXXII should be remembered for its liberal use of smoke and mirrors to make it seem like a much bigger event than it really was. The PPV extravaganza was besieged by injuries, decimating the roster at the worst possible time. This in part forced WWE to rely on a series of part-timers – Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Shane McMahon – to take many of the top spots on the Mania card.But in addition to that, retired wrestlers also figured prominently into Mania, with Steve Austin, Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels beating up the League of Nations and showing up the Tag Team Champions, the New Day.We also saw Undertaker and Shane McMahon rely on a few contrived spots and suspension of disbelief to hold their heavily gimmicked match together.

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  1. I love this event, thank you. kunjungbalik yes


