1. Roman vs. Hunter

In the past 16 years, I’d argue that the four most lackluster main events at WrestleMania occurred at 16, 18, 25 and 32. One man was in all four of those matches: Triple H. Hunter put in a great performance at Mania XX, and helped “pass the torch” to Batista and John Cena at 21 and 22, but his days of main-eventing the biggest show of the year should have ended 10 years ago. As we’ve seen in the past, the Heavyweight Title match doesn’t have to go on last.Shane and Taker wasn’t a great match, but it had a lot of crowd excitement behind it, an insane bump, and a victory for The Dead Man in his home state. We could have all gone home happy dammit! Hunter vs. Roman had a hostile crowd with no good possible outcome.

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